Blog, Direct Mail

Why is Direct Mail Marketing Surging in 2020?


Even in today’s technology-driven landscape, direct mail marketing continues to be a potent revenue driver for brands of all shapes and sizes.

Thanks to easy integration with new media, savvy marketers quickly learned that direct mail is a powerful, ROI-positive channel more than ever before, with the ability to both hyper-target new customers and nurture relationships with existing ones.

Direct mail has become a breath of fresh air amongst cluttered messaging channels like social media, emails, and more. Its added flair to everyone’s omni-channel marketing campaigns, highlighted by these three features.


Even after 80ish years, Dale Carnegie’s insight on personalization holds true: “A person’s name is to him or her the sweetest and most important sound in any language.”

Just look at Google today – according to the search engine mogul, queries contain the phrase ‘for me’ have increased by 60%.

What can we glean from the past and present? It’s that we want to be recognized, by name. The more marketers can connect to this human emotion, the more successful campaigns will be. Thanks to variable printing data, direct mail can make this connection with your customer base; and what’s more, the ability to retarget your direct mailers allows you to deepen relationships with existing clients.


Since marketers have the ability to hyper-target their direct mail campaigns (they can even align with your digital endeavours for a complete omni-channel strategy) to the right audiences, marketers can really drive down their messaging into clear and succinct copy.

For best results, marketers are focusing on offers and simple calls-to-action, saving added details at other points of the buyer’s journey.

For example, you may have already learned that advertising is anathema to millennials. They simply don’t like it. However, they do appreciate ads that are valuable and relevant to their interests. According to USPS, 62% of millennials went to a brick-and-mortar store based on what they received in their mailbox (their tangible one, not their digital one).

Marketing Integration

Combining good ol’ reliable direct mail with new and trendy marketing mediums have combined to make an effective duo for marketers’ ROI.

Some strategies marketers are experimenting with in this space include:

  • With informed visibility on when direct mail will arrive to a recipient, marketers are timing their digital efforts to be delivered at the same time. A one-two punch, if you will.
  • Matching the IP of a home address and the postal address of a customer to synch online ads with a direct mail offer. This has been show to drastically improve campaign results.
  • Integrating personalized videos in campaigns; marketers are even using personalized voice and text that uses a customer’s name, town, and custom offer.
  • Personalized landing pages are better at making instant connections and reinforcing offers.

Complement your digital marketing efforts with the power of direct mail! Enhance your results and ROI with the help of Print Three’s marketing experts – get in touch with us at a location near you.

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