Blog, Direct Mail

Is Direct Mail Marketing Dead?


In this age of instant messaging, snapchatting, and Facebook Live updates, is there still a need for direct mail marketing in Canada?

Don’t go shifting all your ad dollars to digital yet. Digital printing has opened up a whole new era for direct mail marketing, using personalization and targeting options that can optimize marketing at each step of the buyer’s journey.

There are many more reasons why direct mail is here to stay, and they can all be used to spice up your next direct mail campaign.

1. Direct Mail Marketing Is Tangible

In a digital age, there is something refreshing and meaningful about physical, tangible marketing.

While we are exposed to hundreds of newsletters, e-blasts, and YouTube ads, direct mail marketing offers a sense-driven connection that doesn’t exist in digital marketing. Unlike e-marketing, a direct mail campaign evokes greater emotional processing, which increases engagement and helps build stronger relationships with consumers.

2. Personalization Builds Relationships

As mentioned above, the advent of digital printing means you can tailor your direct mail campaign in greater detail than ever before.

Getting personal shows that your brand appreciates and understands its consumers. This personal interaction reinforces strong customer relationships.

When you personalize direct mail marketing, the results are impressive. Studies show that a personalized direct mail campaign as a part of a wider digital strategy can increase response rates by more than 20%.

3. Canadians Love Their Direct Mail

In research conducted by Canada Post, their studies show that Canadians are highly receptive to direct mail compared to email.

Canada Post found that:

  • 95% of Canadians open their mail the day it arrives
  • 68% of Canadians open their mail immediately
  • 70% of Canadians are likely to respond to flyers
  • Direct mail outperforms email response rates by 30 times.
  • Canadians consider direct mail three times more trustworthy than social media.
  • Direct mail’s ROI is more than double compared to other media platforms.

4. Direct Mail Complements Digital Marketing

Some consumers appreciate receiving offers even after they’ve abandoned their online basket. However, with the average consumer receiving approximately 121 emails per day, your offers can easily go unnoticed.

Studies show that direct mail sent within 24 hours of an abandoned online basket has a conversion rate of over 40% and outperforms email by 16%. In other words, a multimedia strategy leveraging direct mail will always be more successful than a full e-marketing campaign, because direct mail can reach those consumers who don’t want to be contacted online.

Contact Print Three for help making your next direct mail campaign a smash hit. We specialize in dynamic direct mail marketing in Canada, using the latest digital printing techniques.

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